Keeping It Real

HA! I Wish!
HA! I Wish!

So this post is going to be a little different. I will be honest, I don’t even know what to title this post.  A couple have gone through my mind like “False Appearances”, “Trying to Keep Up”, “Attempting the Homesteading Life”, and “What Was I Thinking?” This post isn’t going to be big and flashy. It is going to be me, with a cup of coffee and my laptop.

Over the past couple of weeks a few things have come to my attention of what people think of me. I don’t, usually, care what people think about me. But I, also, don’t want people having a false impression of me either. Through conversations with different women in my life, I was shocked to find out that people thought I was a full time homesteader on multiple acres of land (normal suburban lot), I cook from scratch for every meal (maybe two-thirds), dinner is always made with a smile (ha), and life is always peachy on the homestead.

I was shocked! When did people get this false picture of me? Was it me or did people just assume because all they see is the new recipes and the exciting things we seem to always be doing? I had to sit back and evaluate myself. I try to stay positive and happy in my posts. Who wants to read about the bad and ugly side of things all the time? Why would I post a recipe if it was bad? I wouldn’t want to read about those things. I assumed others didn’t want to read about those things too. My intention in leaving out “the struggle” was that I was trying to encourage myself and others to learn new skills rather than focus on the mundane. Instead what I am hearing, is a perception that I am “superwoman”… I’m not. More to my main reason for writing this post, I’m hearing that this inaccurate image of me is working to discourage some people rather than serve as inspiration.

So let me just set the record straight. I am not exactly on top of my game 100% of the time. I get tired. I get overwhelmed. I do not cook every day…  I’ll say that again… I do not cook every day. My home has never been organized to my standards. I am not exactly the 50’s housewife who has dinner ready, the table set (We don’t even have a table to sit at for dinner. We usually pile in our bed and eat as we watch a series we are currently working on in our down time) and my hair and make- up are not always done when Tomithy comes home from work. (I am lucky to get a shower in most days. And my current “style” is homeless…. I look homeless most of the time)

I wear many hats around here and have a very full schedule most days. I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, teacher, personal chef, groomer, blogger, maid, secretary, organizer, and homesteader. Most days I am all of those things.

But there are days that I want to throw in the towel and say NOPE! DONE!  On those days the house work doesn’t get done. Dinner is either some generic mess from a box or we order fast food. School work is strung from one side of the house to the other. Dirty laundry is in every room but the laundry room. Toys are everywhere. Thing’s aren’t dusted. And lets be honest, bathing isn’t happening.

Do I wish I had my home put together and organized and running on a smooth schedule? YES!!! Who doesn’t? I haven’t found anyone who can keep a household running smooth with out any bumps in the road. Some may give the appearance of a well put together home, but when I see those homes, I wonder….where is the closet that has an avalanche inside it?

I guess what I’m trying to say is, no one is always happy, put together, and organized. I bet you’re not. I doubt any of your friends are. And I certainly am not. If you are ever discouraged by my posts, don’t be, I’m probably dealing with many of the same issues you are. While you’re reading this, I’m probably yelling at one of my kids for making a mess causing me to burn a batch of generic brand hamburger helper (or water… honestly, how do I burn water?) while tripping over all three dogs who are laying in the kitchen waiting for leftovers…

My wish for this blog is to inspire and educate others. Get people excited about cooking, food preservation, gardening, and learning new skills. It was never intended for people to look at this blog and to think I am a “show off”, or worse… “fake”. The only reason I have successes posted on this website is because I have tried and failed much more often. Its certainly not because I’m “superwoman”. So instead of being discouraged by what I have on here, I encourage you to try your hand at it. Come up with something you enjoy… and tell me about it.

I want my friends and family to educate me and share with me things that they are passionate about. We are a community. Whether it is in person or a virtual community. We all have something to share and inspire others with.

 What are you passionate about? What are you interested in learning? What are your goals for yourself and family?

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