Finding Inspiration

Finding Inspiration

As I sit this morning enjoying my first cup of coffee of the day, the same question pops in my head. What do I blog about? I have been struggling a lot with that question lately. Usually I have all kinds of inspiration. But as of these past few weeks, I am having trouble finding some.

When I first started this blog in June of 2015, I set a goal for myself. I wanted to have 3 blog posts a week. Most weeks I have been able to keep up with that goal. There have been a few weeks where I haven’t, but I do try and give myself some wiggle room. To help achieveĀ  that goal on those weeks that I just don’t feel the inspiration, I usually have several post written up and waiting in the wings.

This blog started out of a desire to find a place to keep my recipes and easily share them with my friends and family. Also, to be able to keep all those family recipes ready to go for when the younger generation was ready to start cooking. Then I wanted to broaden the blog with crafts and homeschooling adventures. There have been a few posts about those topics but not as many as I would like. It is hard to craft and take pictures without getting glue all over the camera. And school work is easily distracted with picture time. So as I find suitable inspiration for those topics, I try to get those post ready.

We have long planned to broaden the blog even more by sharing our animals, gardens, and our farming adventures. But, lets be honest, not a whole lot of gardening goes on in the winter. At least not at the beginning of winter. The chickens do fine in the cold as long as they have water and a non-drafty area to hunker down. Chickens do pretty well in the winter. It is the summer they are not overly fond of. Plus, I really believe that the heat from the mulch/compost from the deep litter method we use in their coop really helps keep them warm also.When it is cold and wet like it has been, there is not much to do outside. So we are just trying to stay focused on the goal of down sizing our stuff and generally working towards that goal of becoming actual Farmers! We are actively working towards this goal on many fronts, some exciting, some not. Once we get past a few more of the boring hurdles, we expect things will move fast and you’ll be a part of our homesteading journey the whole way.

So, I leave you with this. What are things you want to read about? Do you have an interest in things we do around the homestead that peeks your interest? Please help inspire me! Comment below or share your suggestions on Facebook.

2 comments on “Finding InspirationAdd yours →

  1. Hi Mariah! Sitting at table with folks from ur husbands workplace for our annual Christmas lunch. As we discussed favorite foods ur chicken noodle soup – of which I am gratefully familiar – was mentioned. So as I decided that’s going to be one of the offerings this upcoming Christmas weekend I thought to visit you! I will become much more familiar with ur blogging then send u some ideas. Merry Christmas! By the way I like your writing style. Very “come in in!”

    1. Anita, I am so glad that you enjoyed the soup. It is very much a family favorite for us as well. Real stick to your ribs kind of food! I try to write as if I am talking to a close friend. And as many people know, I am a “Come on in” kind of gal! I can’t wait to hear your ideas!

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