Roasted Spaghetti Squash

Ingredient List

1 Spaghetti Squash

2 Tb. Olive Oil



So many of my recipes call for Spaghetti Squash as an ingredient. This is how I prepare my spaghetti squash. It is simple and a FANTASTIC alternative to noodles. Here is how I make my spaghetti squash.

I first start by picking out a spaghetti squash. I want it to be a nice yellow color and not too large. A little smaller than a adult size football. I then bust out my best knife and my cutting board. You will need muscles for this part. Cut the squash in half.

Then remove the seeds. You can keep the seeds to plant for more spaghetti squash or you can roast them.

Now you want to scrape out the DARK orange/yellow stringy stuff. You will be able to tell the difference. It is like scraping the guts from a pumpkin.

After the squash is scraped and cleaned, you will want to drizzle the squash with a GOOD olive oil. Then salt and pepper the squash. I get my hands messy and just massage the oil/salt/pepper mixture into the meat of the squash.

Place the squash inside down onto a foil lined baking sheet. Place in a 375 degree oven and bake for about 1 hour. The flesh of the squash will be easy to pierce with a fork and the meat will be tender.

Allow the squash to cool so you can handle it better. Then take a fork and start scraping the meat from the inside of the squash. It makes a stringy noodle type consistency.

Now that your squash is prepared you can top it with just about anything you like!

1 comment on “Roasted Spaghetti SquashAdd yours →

  1. This is brilliant! I just had spaghetti squash at a restaurant last night – and I couldn’t think of how they cooked it so well! This must be how! So glad to have read this – perfect timing!

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