We decided early in the year that we would do some challenges that last a month. One was drinking more water a day and exercising. Another month we tried to blog/write 1500 words a day. That challenge was easier for some than it was for others. Another challenge we did was no Meals out of the house, meaning no restaurant food or take out what so ever. That challenge was easy as long as I had a plan. The meal plan can be seen here. We actually did pretty well with that one.
This month however is already starting to be more challenging than I expected. And, it’s only day 4! It isn’t the TV or movies that is causing us to stray from the challenge. It is Facebook that is the distraction. I am a Facebook-Aholic! I Love seeing what my friends are doing and what they find cute or funny. I love the memes and all the fun stuff on Facebook. We are having issues with the “auto-play” videos. They just start right up as we are surfing through our news feed. So I have made a list and decided I will have to go through all those post in July!
As it is only day 4- I do look forward to the month and its adventures that lay ahead. I have a list of things I want to get done during the month of June. I have already knocked off a bunch off the list. Here is to an exciting adventure of cleaning and organizing, cooking new treats, crafting, and spending quality time with the family!
UPDATE June 7th- Things are getting done. On the upside, We are only 7 days in and we already have the books organized (from the basement) and separated by category and even have a stack to get rid of. This is HUGE for us. I have a confession….we are book hoarders. And because of this addiction/condition we have accumulated over 1000 books. If you weren’t aware, 1000 books take up a lot of room. Room we don’t really have. And with us planning on moving to a bigger homestead (in the next couple of years) we are trying to down size now so it isn’t so overwhelming to move in the future.
We have also started painting Samari’s bedroom. I have another confession…. I AM A LITTLE OCD WHEN IT COMES TO MY HOME BEING ORGANIZED. It may be organized chaos but it IS organized. Right now most of the contents from Samari’s room is in actually moved into 3 other rooms of the home. AHHHHHH!!!! STUFF IS EVERY WHERE!!!! I am pushing myself super hard in order to get her room finished so things can be put where they go. We are trying to down size the contents of her room as well.
I’m thinking we need to just have a yard sale… maybe make some money for the Farm Fund. We will see how much I can get done before the end of the month. That is all for the update today!
UPDATE June 13th-
Things are going pretty well so far.
WE finally finished Samari’s room. Took about 4 days. We then got all the paint stuff cleaned up and then we got a call to go out of town.
This is my favorite wall in her room. It looks like a Puppy Face! We had to help Uncle Bob with some farm stuff. We had a lot of fun, although it was crazy hot, working big farm equipment and loading and moving hay.
Samari even learned to drive a tractor and did FANTASTIC!
We did however spend some of the hotter parts of the day watching some movies but we didn’t go over board with it. We also did lots of swimming. The trip was nice, even though we worked pretty hard.
Aunt Barb gave me some old cast iron a family member was getting rid of. I am super excited about them. The dutch over is 5 inches deep and 12 1/2 inches across….WITH A LID!!!
After we got home we started back with the no tv/movies. It was actually nice not having the constant noise! I have gotten some more done on my “To-Do” list. I have cleaned the 2 freezers in the basement, cleaned and organized the food shelves in the basement and even got around to organizing all my canning stuff. We have been trying to get rid of stuff. There is more to be added to the pile for the yard sale. It feels good getting the clutter gone. But sadly, I think , the clutter is just moving to a different room! We are getting the pile together for the yard sale and it is starting to over take the living room. All well…more motivation I guess. As far as my “To-Do” list… I am not getting much done of the fun stuff and the reading I wanted to do. We are almost half way through the month. I hope I find some time to really get some of those things done too!
These past few days haven’t been nearly as productive as I would have liked. I did however take a little break from writing and cooking just to kind of float through the days and do a whole lotta nothin! I am currently trying to find a muse to inspire me on what to cook/make/or blog about. I hope something hits me soon.
On a good note, I have gone through 95% of the boxes in the basement and I have found a lot of the books needed for Stoney’s school curriculum. I am waiting to hear back from a couple of friends to see if they have the books that I can either buy or borrow that I am missing. I hope they do so I can get the cost down of what I have left to buy.
We have gotten a bunch down as far as gardening has gone. Lots of mint, comfrey, lovage and lambs quarter has been dried and packaged up for later use. They dehydrator has been going, pretty much, non-stop over the past few weeks.
June 27th-
Things are getting done around here! Not so much of the organizing and getting rid of stuff. But we made some pretty big leaps with the business. We have the bank account open and MOST of the paper work finished with the Farm. Our name is registered with the state and we are almost ready to start selling and building the company. We are currently working on websites and moving things and getting everything up and running.
As well as the business stuff, we have one more baseball game for the year and we will be done with those. YAY!!!! It has been a pretty rough year but on the plus side we did learn a lot. If we can learn anything from an experience, it is well worth the journey. Right?
We only have a few more days of no tv/videos. Samari is getting really excited about the end of this monthly challenge. She can’t wait for us to spend some time watching her favorite show. Ahh to be 13 and have little to worry about.
July 1st-
WE MADE IT!!!! It was a rough one. But we did pretty good I think. The fact that we didn’t watch TV or Movies for a whole month (except for the few times we were out of town and family was watching something). These challenges aren’t to see if we have will power but to see what we learn and get accomplished from taking on the challenge. I am very proud of us and what has been accomplished this month. Some deep cleaning, getting rid of stuff, painting, writing, reading, planning for the future, coming up with new recipes and the biggest accomplishment of all—- starting a new business! ( More on that soon! )
Here is to July’s Daily Challenge! Organizing for 10 minutes a day!
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