Ingredient List
For the “Tart”
1 C Egg Whites
2 C Sugar
1 Tsp. Vanilla
1/2 Tsp. Cream of Tarter
Ice Cream and Raspberries (or fruit of your choice)
First let me share with you the rules of making these tarts. They are meringues. They are very touchy and picky about the weather they chose to be made in. So before you start these little sweet pillow of heaven, check the weather forecast. They need LOTS AND LOTS OF SUNSHINE and low humidity. Meringues are easy to make if you have a stand mixer or even a hand mixer. If I didn’t have an electric mixer, I don’t think my hands could handle all the whipping it would take to make these. So that being said, Enjoy!
I start with the cup of egg whites and the cream of tarter. With the whisk attachment, start the mixer.
You want your eggs to be nice and foamy. It will take about 4-5 minutes. Once you get the egg whites frothy, start adding the sugar. I add about 1/2 cup at a time slowly pouring the sugar into the bowl with the mixer running on med-high speed. Allow the sugar time to get really into the egg whites. The sugar will transform the whites into a white cloud. You don’t want to weigh the fluff down. So slow and steady is the way to go here. After all the sugar is mixed in, add the vanilla and mix for about a minute longer.
You will want your meringue to have hard stiff peaks.
Now, lay out a new clean brown paper bag. (I get new ones from the grocery store and cut them up to a size I can manage and that fits in the oven.) You can use parchment paper if you prefer.
So now you want to put spoon fulls of meringue on the paper bag. Some prefer to put the meringue into a pipping bag for a fancier appearance. I like the rustic look. PLUS it is easier and no clean up or waste. When you are making them, make sure they are “bowl like”. Push down the middle and give it some sides. That way it holds the filling nicely. Now you want to very carefully place the paper bag in a 200 degree oven and bake for about 2 hours. Make sure your oven rack isn’t too low, you don’t want to catch the bag in fire. (I am speaking from experience here….LOL) They will need to be completely dried out. They will be hard to the touch. Let them cool on the paper bag for about 5 minutes then they will peel right off the bag.
The raspberry topping is super easy.
I took about 4 cups of raspberries and 1/2 cup of sugar. Combine and allow the sugar to pull the juice from the raspberries.
Assembling the Tart
Assembling the Scrum Tart is easy. Grab a plate and place a meringue down first. Then put your scoop of ice cream. Chocolate Chip or Vanilla go really well with the fruit topping. Then top with your fruit of choice. I really like raspberries with scrum tarts, but strawberries are good also.
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